William Lawson’s aka The Highlander’s attitude towards life was NO RULES. And creating a damn fine drink, GREAT SCOTCH. From the countless tales we know he was different. They say ‘polite society’ wasn’t exactly his natural home. The millions of rules and ‘proper’ ways of doing things always puzzled him. The biggest mystery though to Lawson… “Why does good whisky have to be so bloody snobbish and cost the earth?” The sniffing, swilling, talking about notes of fruit and leather… Rubbish!

Handcrafted? All whisky is handcrafted, try making it without hands! Aged 20 years in an old barrel? That doesn’t make it a better whisky! So it’s said he made his own whisky, as simple and rule breaking as he was. The result: True Highlander spirit, in a bottle. Inspired by William’s legacy we still make our scotch in Macduff, and we make it our way. You won’t find macduff distillery on a postcard, it wasn’t built to be pretty, it was built to make Great Scotch. Scotch with teeth… and balls. Forged, not crafted. Big, bold and absolutely no smoke… This scotch is for drinking. However you damn well want! Straight or with cola. Heck, try it with apple juice… it doesn’t matter! Lawson’s is perfectly balanced. Like Great Scotch should be.